Burdi boys scouting gang show returns to the Mitchel art theater in Stoke on Trent. This vibrant lively show lit the stage and provided entertainment for an entire week! The huge variety of music ranging from meatloaf, jersey boys and even barbie showcased a dynamic cast filled with scouting people from all sections, from squirrels (starting age 4) all the way up to network. This range of age made a diverse performance packed full of talent.

 Budi boys itself has an interesting past. The concept of a gang show was created in 1932 by Ralph Reader to raise funds to build a swimming pool at Downe Scout Camp. The show has progressed and developed over the years; it is well known throughout the scouting community and creates a welcoming atmosphere. 

The potteries show was a massive hit selling most of the tickets and entertaining many friends and families the show as a whole was produced by Rachel Rowley, Sarah Banks and Gemma Millins but also with help from many others including stage directors, section producers, program designers and many more.

Here are some thoughts from Laura Clowes (a member of the cast)  “during the show we all encourage each other, it’s an incredible atmosphere. We rehearse for around 3 months and practice all the songs, dances and sketches. One thing to remember is that everyone is always smiling. It's all about enjoying yourself.” this insight helps us to understand the work and dedication which goes into the show. 

If you would like to be a part of this experience, the next show will be held in 2025 and you can find out more information on the Burdi boys gang show face book page. It will be an experience to remember!