I would like to thank my wife Wendy for believing in me, my boys Todd and Jake, my family who I hold most dear, together with my friends and colleagues. Everyone at Halesowen News and its readers and for supporting my appeal, many whom I have never met. Thanks to everyone for their comments to my blog, their thoughts and prayers - they haven't gone unnoticed! I believe am the first MS patient to receive my own bone marrow stem cells in the hope that it may change the course of my Multiple Sclerosis. I have embraced the challenges set before me since my arrival in China and have worked hand in hand not only with the physicians and rehabilitation teams but also with the many other patents that have received treatment and I am most privileged to have been part of their jubilation at the progress they have made. Finally, I would like o thank Richard and his wife Michelle for allowing him to accompany me on my journey to China as my carer. A man who's patience and commitment has been unstinting, who's attention to detail has been outstanding and his caring and professional manner has been second to none - Thank you my friend I will never forget what you have undertaken for me. Whilst Stem Cells are in their infancy, I am proud to have been part of the ongoing research and thank everyone at Nanshan Hospital China - The very words THANK YOU' are not big enough or bold enough to truly express my true feelings, but thank you everyone for allowing me to receive this potentially life changing treatment.